Saturday 19 December 2015

"i think i'm gonna start a blog."

a year ago i've uttered those words to myself and haven't looked back since. any time anyone asks me how to get ahead professionally, my answer is swift and uncomplicated:  start a blog. for some weird reasons, i haven't got mine started. maybe not so weird. they have a better word for it, and i reckon it is "procrastination." 

possibly the toughest part of any project is getting started, right? it really is like training for the real world: putting an idea in motion and letting the process unfold organically. all it takes is a single spark.  

i'm finally getting my groove on by starting this blog, hoping to connect with people who share my passion, interests and drive. it's going to be my perfect side hustle, making me feel productive everyday. 

and so here i am looking at another blank space. in it, i see the totality of everything that i am going to do. 

here's to the kids who are ordinary. this one's for you. 
and success. 

love, S